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Matthews Environmental Solutions.



If you own a cremator from Matthews, there are lots of ways to get support for your product.



Phone Support

Email Support

M-pyre® 2.0 Cremators

If you have a cremator with our M-pyre 2.0 control system (using a keyboard and mouse to control your cremations) then you'll get our highest level of support. The easiest way is to click the "Instant Support" button on your M-pyre control screen and one of our technicians will get in touch.


Available 24/7,
365 days a year

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or click "Instant Support" on your Cremator Control Screen

Other Matthews Cremators

If you have a non-Mpyre cremator, our skilled technicians are still happy to help during our extended support hours. You can call or submit a support request for the next business day response. Be sure to describe the problem, the model of your cremator, and the best time to get in touch.


Mon-Fri 6 AM to 7 PM U.S. Eastern Time

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.